Waiward Continues to Develop with Switchback OS

by | Aug 31, 2021 | News

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Waiward Continues to Develop with SwitchbackOS

August 31, 2021

Recently, Waiward conducted three separate sessions for the corporate and site leadership teams for the SwitchbackOS training. The training was led by Steven Falk (author of the book called The Switched-On CEO). Steven and his team did an excellent job in the sessions which focused on Safety, Teamwork, Leadership, Communication, and Resilience skills.

In the training program, an emphasis on teaching people to think differently coached our leaders to stop overreaction and provided them with an understanding on how our un-managed memories are obstacles when achieving success. The discussion about how to improve relationships dynamics that are “stuck in a loop” provided our team solutions to analyze their personal habits and how they affect their actions and thought processes. Other key outcomes our team gained are self-awareness, neuroplasticity training (changing how your brain responds to stress), and increased communication skills.

With the positive momentum the SwitchbackOS program brings it will continue to build our organizations resiliency as a stronger workforce. Our leaders are now supported with new tools so they can better understand their own way of thinking. Our team continued with positive discussions and are in the development of integrating the new insight and knowledge into Waiward’s Safety Culture.

“Culture is created by people and established by leaders”


– Steven Falk
   The Switched-On CEO

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